Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Just got my roundtrip to Vegas for next week!Just now need a ride to and from Tricities airport.Any takers?Morning of the7th&nite of 12th

Posted via email from josephrasch's posterous

Just got my roundtrip to Vegas for next week!Just now need a ride to and from Tricities airport.Any takers?Morning of the7th&nite of 12th


Victory in war is not glorious¬ to be celebrated,but stems from devastation, and is to be mourned.~theme from Tao Te Ching #endthestate

Posted via email from josephrasch's posterous

Victory in war is not glorious¬ to be celebrated,but stems from devastation, and is to be mourned.~theme from Tao Te Ching #endthestate

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


End the state and end all wars! #endthestate #lovenotwar

Posted via email from josephrasch's posterous

End the state and end all wars! #endthestate #lovenotwar

Saturday, June 26, 2010


Mark Twain- "I was gratified to be able to answer promptly. I said I don't know." #endthestate #lovenotwar

Posted via email from josephrasch's posterous

Mark Twain- "I was gratified to be able to answer promptly. I said I don't know." #endthestate #lovenotwar

Friday, June 25, 2010


"A free press can, of course, be good or bad, but, most certainly without freedom, the press will never be anything but bad."-
Albert Camus

Posted via email from josephrasch's posterous

"A free press can, of course, be good or bad, but, most certainly without freedom, the press will never be anything but bad."-
Albert Camus

Thursday, June 24, 2010

You do know that the male-to-female ratio in NH for this Free State Project is WAY off. Porcfest is more like Sausagefest, or is that the REAL reason you're going?

I do understand there is typically a greater amount of males but I wanna go because it is about liberty irrespective of the gender of those taking part. I am not worried one bit about the fact its potentially more men I just wanna bring about liberty in our lifetime if possible

Ask me anything

Say that in the end, there really is a 'god'. What would you say to it(?) if you were given an opportunity to meet? Especially considering all you secular ways......

If there happened to be a 'god' then I would ask why in the hell they decided to be such a bastard to its creatures it created instead of utilizing its power for better purposes. With all that power one would think things would be better instead of a sadomasochist totalitarian that doesn't have the courage to even display themselves whenever requested.. I don't know what entails my secular ways because I just happen to live a life that is dictated by natural laws and if that is a secular way then I am quite satisfied it is the correct path.

Ask me anything

Right now? I'd like to still be asleep. If i thought bigger, I'd just like to be on the beach in hawaii or greece or something. Something relaxing like that.

Interesting question? I would personally like the idea of being on a beach as well just to relax since I cannot swim and am more of a relaxer anyways.

Ask me anything

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

if you could be anywhere right now where would it be?

Roger's Campground in Lancaster, NH for Porcfest 2010! Secondarily I would love to already be in Las Vegas to where I am heading is a couple weeks. How about you?

Ask me anything


To fix the large corporate problems on this Earth we must end the cause which intimately stems from the governments of the world. #endthestate

Posted via web from josephrasch's posterous

To fix the large corporate problems on this Earth we must end the cause which intimately stems from the governments of the world. #endthestate

why on earth do you have that peachesncream middle name on facebook?

I would say it has several connotations including its fun and easy to remember. A woman at work one time asked me the same and suggested that it might be that I were a nympho to which I neither confirmed nor denied. I just love how it gains some level of attention by using such a fun middle name.

Ask me anything

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


False alarm on IRS agents!Just received a certified mail message so its all good and gonna just continue ignoring the state! #endthestate

Posted via web from josephrasch's posterous

False alarm on IRS agents!Just received a certified mail message so its all good and gonna just continue ignoring the state! #endthestate


IRS agents at my door so what should i do!text or call and tell me what i should do!I dont believe i should go quietly but whats the course of action?

Posted via web from josephrasch's posterous

IRS agents at my door so what should i do!text or call and tell me what i should do!I dont believe i should go quietly but whats the course of action?

Sunday, June 20, 2010

!!!Personal Bio (18Jun2010)

Joseph Rasch is currently an undergraduate student going to East Tennessee State University in Johnson City, Tennessee. He is studying political science as his major with a minor in humanities. He is the current president of the ETSU Atheist Freethought Club as well as the Vice Chairperson of the ETSU Students For A Free Society. he is an active member of the ETSU Philosophy Club, the ETSU branch of Amnesty Intl., and the ETSU Students For Intellectual Diversity. He is also a member of Students For Liberty. Joseph is a credentialed delegate to the Libertarian Party and active member. He is a liberty activist as well as a veteran of the US Army Reserve. He intends to share his viewpoints through journalistic aspects and can be reached at

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Fred Phelps Counter Protest When:Mon,Jun21,5:30pm-8:30pm Where:Grace Fellowship Church,South Greenwood Dr,Johnson City

Posted via web from josephrasch's posterous

Fred Phelps Counter Protest When:Mon,Jun21,5:30pm-8:30pm Where:Grace Fellowship Church,South Greenwood Dr,Johnson City

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


After scouting it out tomorrow is now officially going to be my blackberry picking day! #yummy #lovenature #lovenotwar

Posted via web from josephrasch's posterous

After scouting it out tomorrow is now officially going to be my blackberry picking day! #yummy #lovenature #lovenotwar

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


"I don't want to know what the law is, I want to know who the judge is." Roy M. Cohn #endthestate? #lovenotwar

Posted via web from josephrasch's posterous

"I don't want to know what the law is, I want to know who the judge is." Roy M. Cohn #endthestate? #lovenotwar

Saturday, June 12, 2010


"Conservative,n.A statesman who is enamored of existing evils,as distinguished from the Liberal,who wishes to replace them with others."Ambrose Bierce,"Devil's Dictionary"

Posted via web from josephrasch's posterous

"Conservative,n.A statesman who is enamored of existing evils,as distinguished from the Liberal,who wishes to replace them with others."Ambrose Bierce,"Devil's Dictionary"

How about you answer me this: Have you ever made love to a woman? ;p

yes i have made love to a woman before thanks

Ask me anything

Friday, June 11, 2010


"Eat shit, 20 trillion flies can't be wrong." @billmaher Gotta love when he calls it right.#scientificmethod #endthestate

Posted via web from josephrasch's posterous

"Eat shit, 20 trillion flies can't be wrong." @billmaher Gotta love when he calls it right.#scientificmethod #endthestate

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

That's fine and dandy, like a dream. I mean I hope it comes true. The thing is, you didn't respond to as whether the other states would try to overtake this haven and what then?

IDK if any other states would try to overtake this "haven" as you call it. I find comfort in the idea of not knowing what the free market might provide to help provide defense for the inhabitants of the locale in NH. I personally will defend myself and if need be find private defense services whenever and wherever I can to go alongside my personal defense. Perhaps it is a haven but really life should be a haven of freedom and not have it interrupted by collectives like religions or the government.

Ask me anything


It is late but i still cannot sleep. Stupid screwed up sleep schedule.

Posted via web from josephrasch's posterous

It is late but i still cannot sleep. Stupid screwed up sleep schedule.

If NH will be the 'anarchist's haven', how is the rest of the states going to act? You think that possibly they will build a 'great wall of china' around the border or try to overtake it in a fashion similar to how the Native Americans lost their lands?

hmmm interesting but if it is some sort of anarchist haven the a "wall" won't be necessary except one that the state surrounding it would put into action to keep the statists from seeing this haven. I personally just would like a place to call home that the only intervention from people would be voluntary transactions and never by force.

Ask me anything

Tuesday, June 08, 2010


The cops detaining us for being "suspicious" 08JUN2010 Part 1

Posted via web from josephrasch's posterous


The cops detaining us for being "suspicious" 08JUN2010 Part 2

Posted via web from josephrasch's posterous

The cops detaining us for being "suspicious" 08JUN2010 Part 1


The cops detaining us for being "suspicious"

Posted via web from josephrasch's posterous

The cops detaining us for being "suspicious"


The cops are detaining us in the krogers parking lot for no reason except for being suspicious

Posted via web from josephrasch's posterous

The cops are detaining us in the krogers parking lot for no reason except for being suspicious

Sunday, June 06, 2010

You know that my questions are supposed to be lukewarm comedy, right?

I take any and all questions fairly seriously especially if worded in such a way to garner real responses

Ask me anything

What means light year?

ummm this is a bizarre way to word this question so I shall merely say idk since I haven't an idea of what is truly being asked here

Ask me anything

What is the color of your toothbrush?

green and white

Ask me anything

Do you like carrots?

yes especially cooked

Ask me anything

How much do you use ketchup? (1 - not at all, 5 - on all foods)

3 would be my best guess since it depends on the food and this is an extremely vague question

Ask me anything

What cd is in your cd-player right now?

ummm Discipline by Janet Jackson

Ask me anything

If Milli Vanilli fell in the woods, would someone else make a sound?

Probably not since Milli Vanilli would probably be alone in the woods lol

Ask me anything

So many people are opposed to gay marriage. Their main argument is that gays would be tearing away at our social fabric. What makes them think gays would do anything to harm fabric?

ummm they are too stupid to accept that their ideals of the social fabric are concocted in their mind based on their goofy worldviews. These worldviews are incorrect as they are only created by the same individuals that claim a social fabric even exists yet have little proof beyond their own worldviews. Perhaps one day we can just be humans living for the betterment of humanity which I think goes above that of some mentally adjusted social fabric regardless of mankind's existence

Ask me anything

Saturday, June 05, 2010


Death is only one form of freedom

Posted via web from josephrasch's posterous

Death is only one form of freedom



Kanye West: "Can't Tell Me Nothing"

Posted via web from josephrasch's posterous

Lil Wayne - A Milli

So, I feel that you need to address your secret love of the police....I have seen you personally shake hands with them and make side jokes about the detainee(s). How can you call yourself a voluntarist if you secretly endorse the government? Rat bastard!

ummm whomever said this is a bastard and deserves to be publicly shunned and ostracized for their incorrect libelous statements. I am saddened someone really thinks I endorse the state because I am staunchly ready for the detainees to be allowed a day in a DRO so justice can be served equally to all interested parties. I have shaken hands with the po-po but only when I had attempted to give them copies of magical scrolls or ask questions that ended with them basically telling me "resistance is futile" #endthestate

Ask me anything

Do you feel that halo is a cool guy?

halo?who is halo because I haven't a clue as to whom you are referring

Ask me anything

Okay but seriously. Palestine/Israel. Your thoughts, no matter how trivial?

my thoughts are that ending the israeli state and neither forming a new israeli state or a palestenian state would allow for individuals to focus on themselves instead of fascistic nationalism which ultimately is what is hurting the folks in that region. focusing on private property rights would solve most of the issues i believe

Ask me anything

How do I shot web?

shot web? clarify please what you mean with this fractured phrase

Ask me anything

How much have you missed me?

ummm this is an open forum but oh well,. I missed you this much!!!!!!!!Oh wait damned internetz making me unable to properly describe these things. How about bunches upon bunches

Ask me anything

Friday, June 04, 2010


Guns are dangerous in the hands of the government!

Posted via web from josephrasch's posterous

Guns are dangerous in the hands of the government!

If you could have invented one thing, what would it have been?

I would have invented a form of renewable energy that could enable us to travel the cosmos and thus facilitate the furthered evolution of mankind as we see it.

Ask me anything

Thursday, June 03, 2010


FDA's standard of identity for ice cream requires a minimum of 10% milk fat and a minimum of 20% milk solids. lmfao #endthestate #lovenotwar

Posted via web from josephrasch's posterous

FDA's standard of identity for ice cream requires a minimum of 10% milk fat and a minimum of 20% milk solids. lmfao #endthestate #lovenotwar