Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Peace,love,&happiness is the goal&liberty is the only way to attain these necessities.They intimately go hand in hand.Class dismissed. #endthestate #lovenotwar

Posted via email from josephrasch's posterous

Peace,love,&happiness is the goal&liberty is the only way to attain these necessities.They intimately go hand in hand.Class dismissed. #endthestate #lovenotwar

A quote truer than most and rather profound

"Socialism is the phantastic younger brother of despotism, which it wants to inherit. Socialism wants to have the fullness of state force which before only existed in despotism. ...However, it goes further than anything in the past because it aims at the formal destruction of the individual ... who ... can be used to improve communities by an expedient organ of government."-Friedrich Nietzsche

Posted via email from josephrasch's posterous

A quote truer than most and rather profound

"Socialism is the phantastic younger brother of despotism, which it wants to inherit. Socialism wants to have the fullness of state force which before only existed in despotism. ...However, it goes further than anything in the past because it aims at the formal destruction of the individual ... who ... can be used to improve communities by an expedient organ of government."-Friedrich Nietzsche


Bauhaus - Bela Lugosi's Dead [Music Video]

Posted via email from josephrasch's posterous

Bauhaus - Bela Lugosi's Dead [Music Video]

Monday, August 23, 2010


"The only security men can have for their political liberty, consists in keeping their money in their own pockets." ~Lysander Spooner #lovenotwar #endthestate

Posted via email from josephrasch's posterous

"The only security men can have for their political liberty, consists in keeping their money in their own pockets." ~Lysander Spooner #lovenotwar #endthestate


Relaxing a bit before I head out to buy books for fall classes&then hangout by the pool for a few. Much love&peace! #lovenotwar #endthestate

Posted via email from josephrasch's posterous

Relaxing a bit before I head out to buy books for fall classes&then hangout by the pool for a few. Much love&peace! #lovenotwar #endthestate

Thursday, August 19, 2010


An after-the-rain evening is always so tranquil&calm. Peace be with you. #endthestate #lovenotwar

Posted via email from josephrasch's posterous

An after-the-rain evening is always so tranquil&calm. Peace be with you. #endthestate #lovenotwar


Its raining,its pouring,I don't wanna go to work. #lovenotwar #endthestate

Posted via email from josephrasch's posterous

Its raining,its pouring,I don't wanna go to work. #lovenotwar #endthestate

Saturday, August 14, 2010


Down @ the Umoja Festival and it fucking rocks! #lovenotwae

Posted via email from josephrasch's posterous

Down @ the Umoja Festival and it fucking rocks! #lovenotwae

Sunday, August 08, 2010


‎"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." -Ralph Waldo Emerson #lovenotwar #endthestate

Posted via email from josephrasch's posterous

‎"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." -Ralph Waldo Emerson #lovenotwar #endthestate


"Its not a party til the hookers show up."Direct quote from the god @Harrison #lovenotwar #endthestate

Posted via email from josephrasch's posterous

"Its not a party til the hookers show up."Direct quote from the god @Harrison #lovenotwar #endthestate

Wednesday, August 04, 2010


Gay death disco?OH Harrison and your crazy comments!

Posted via email from josephrasch's posterous

Tuesday, August 03, 2010


Awwe yeah!Def gonna go to Keva Juice at least twice this week now that they are reopened! #lovenotwar #endthestate

Posted via email from josephrasch's posterous

Awwe yeah!Def gonna go to Keva Juice at least twice this week now that they are reopened! #lovenotwar #endthestate